Sunday, May 10, 2009

My 2 year old teenager

Yesterday Rachael was angry because I was chopping veggies and couldn't pick her up. By the time Trent came in she was into a full blown tantrum. After raising so many two year olds I can pretty much ignore anything, but Trent was having none of it. He firmly said to her, "If you can't stop, than you can just go to your room!" To my surprise she stopped, looked at him, and then turned and stomped to her room. Then, just to give us the full "teenager" affect, she slammed the door. After a couple of minutes, her door opened and our happy little girl emerged, and crawled into her Daddy's lap. They sat at the table snuggling until I finished. It was funny and cute.... this time, but I'm not sure how cute the stomping and slamming will be in 10 years.


  1. and she's only's true that it isn't as cute when they're teenagers. Maybe she'll get bored with it by then?

  2. Hey, that's what I was thinking! I'm hoping she's getting it out of her system now.;)

  3. Well, at least she listened. Frank threatens to take the door off the hinges and that has worked so far.
