Last night I was toasting a piece of sour dough bread, and while I was anxiously awaiting my treat (I love sour dough) I decided to clean up a little spill by the sink. I guess when Bryan was doing the dishes earlier he didn't notice he'd knocked over the dish soap. Finally, my toast was done and I slathered it with real butter and peach jam, yummy. I took a bite as I walked to the table and then noticed I'd gotten some jam on my finger. I licked my finger and... gagged. I guess the dish cloth didn't get all the soap, a big glob of it made its way to my finger. I ran to the sink spitting out soap and then repeatedly washed out my mouth. Unfortunately, dish soap leaves a lingering, very distinct aftertaste. I tried to finish up my snack, but it just wasn't the same. Thankfully, I'd snuck a bite before I'd sat down.
I must admit I haven't eaten soap in years, but my kids do get that lovely privilege every once in a while. If I've had it with talking back, being rude, etc. then BAM, it's time to eat some soap. I think if I ever received that as a punishment I'd clean up my act (ha,ha get it). Yet, I have a few boys who have probably consumed enough soap to wash several sinks of dishes. Perhaps soap is an acquired taste, it's gross the first or second time and then it becomes desirable to the pallet. I'll have to ask my kids, I don't think it's a taste I want to acquire.
Hmmm.. I've never tasted soap. Neither have my girls... that's a great idea!
ReplyDeleteThat's too bad about your snack! I've only eaten soap accidentally, but I have a feeling that it isn't a taste you would ever get used to:)
ReplyDeleteMy nine year old Amber has a mouth on her and yes I have washed her mouth with SoftSoap ( my sis told me this worked on her dh)an Amber had it done a few times with me giving her two squirts in the mouth and then rinse-out!! Anyway, if I may ask what type of soap do you use for when it's time for them to eat the soap? Do they bite down on a bar as I twice had my oldest dh do or do you as I did with Amber and use hand soap and what brand works the best or better than others?
ReplyDeleteApparently I'm not alone in the soap torture. When we first started the soap thing I would put a little dishsoap on my finger and the offender had to stick out his tongue and I'd wipe it with the soap. As they've gotten older and I have no desire to get near their tongues they now have to bite down on a bar of soap for a set time, usually a minute. I've noticed we haven't done it for a while. For some reason when they hit around 8 or 9 years there is a huge boundary push and sometimes they taste soap more than food.
ReplyDeleteI don't have a prefered brand, just whatever is on hand. Perhaps that would be a good science experiment, "What soap tastes the worst, and will it cut down on the number of offences?" Hmmm, Joey will be 8 next year, perhaps we'll find our answer then.
Can't CPS be called for doing that? :-) Wouldn't be surprised here in CA. Thanks for the reminder. Kaitlyn is starting to back talk a bit--she's turning 8 hmmm...that magical # you mentioned. I only remember needing to eat soap once.
ReplyDeleteHey Jenny, this is Amy D. Sorry for the weird name. It's my unoffical pen name. ;)
ReplyDeleteI must have been a good girl, I never had to eat soap. Except when I was careless in the shower. But that totally sounds like a good punishment. I'll have to remember that in a few years(like ten).
Is that Rachel in the picture with you? Jeez, she sure is older then the last time I saw her. We need to get the together more. Can't wait to here more about your family!
~Amy D